This is my own little corner of the world where I can let things go...

I've always been one to turn to a computer screen when I need to say things. Don't get me wrong...I can be very verbal, but I feel that actually seeing things in black and white allows me to really sort through what is going on in my sometimes insane mind! You may love it, you may hate it, but here it is...

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I'm a teacher.  I believe in life long learning.  If people stopped learning, ignorance and intolerance would run the world, even more than they do now.   I was blessed in school because it always came easy to me.  I never really struggled (except geography...I am severely geographically challenged, but that's what GPS and Iphone maps are for right?) But now, I'm trying to learn something that is totally new to me. So, at 28, I have found a subject that baffles me like no other....The Bible!

I have recently found a church that I actually feel comfortable in and look forward to attending.  I have never felt "at home" in church and it is wonderful to finally feel that way.  But I'm Bible stupid! I don't have verses memorized, I don't know people or places, and I have never been so confused in my life!  There is a lot more I have going on with this whole church thing, but I'll save that for another blog.  This one is going to focus on my lack of knowledge :)

Here's what I know in my own dumbed down version: God created it all...he's number uno! He decided that Jesus should enter somewhere and he had a virgin give birth to Him.  Jesus was a TEACHER :) and spread God's word,  taking quite a bit of flack for it, I believe.  Throw in some disciples somewhere (no clue where, who, or when). And the biggie...Jesus died for me and my sins (something that I still can't wrap my head around), and now He sits right next to God in Heaven.  If I want to join them, I have to believe in Him and work toward it. And that's about it!

I told you it was dumbed down ;) I wasn't lying! I don't think that being able to spout verses and facts from the Bible makes you a good Christian or guarantees a spot upstairs. Nor does sitting in church every Sunday because "that's what you're supposed to do," but I would like to know more. I like to learn.  So here I am, starting on idiot level, I'm not even to beginner yet.  And I'm ok with that, because I have to start somewhere.  So that being said....I need a few things: 1-a Bible that I can actually read (suggestions would be nice) 2-support for when I get frustrated (I'm not worried about this one) and 3-teachers...and beware: teachers make horrible students, so it will probably be a challenge!

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