This is my own little corner of the world where I can let things go...

I've always been one to turn to a computer screen when I need to say things. Don't get me wrong...I can be very verbal, but I feel that actually seeing things in black and white allows me to really sort through what is going on in my sometimes insane mind! You may love it, you may hate it, but here it is...

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Crappy Blogger???

Yup ^^^ That's me :/  It has been quite a while since I sat down to let some things out.  Since we lost Drew to be exact...  

I got my 1st positive pregnancy test 3 days after we said those goodbyes, which was extremely early to even test, let alone get a positive! And as much as I miss Drew, I can't help but smile when I think of him now.  I feel like he is a part of this somehow.  That might make me crazy, but the timing of everything is so strange!

Anyway...being pregnant again is definitely exciting, but boy did I forget some of the wonderful things that come along with it! Just a little sarcasm in that statement ;) I'm 99.9% sure that this will be the last time I do this, so I'm trying not to wish it away. But I have been much sicker with this little bundle of joy than I was with my sweet Brody! I just want to be able to eat again.  I miss food dangit!!!

Today, I have had a wonderful day of doing absolutely nothing! It was fantastic! Normally when I have idle time, I dwell.  I'm a great dweller :( But today, I have just been content. I'm in a very peaceful place. Are there things that I want to change or that need fixed? Of course, but today I'm not dwelling.  I'm just being thankful for where I am, what I have, and who I've been blessed with in my life.  Hopefully this peaceful feeling continues, but who knows? Tomorrow is a Monday...